Our primary aim is to achieve this and to deliver the highest learning standards, so you achieve equally high career goals.
Our academic team is handpicked for their experience and student-focused approach and support.
The Administration staff, Lecturers, and Director of Studies ensure that students are always able to receive help with any academic or personal problems and that their progress is closely monitored.
Individual aid is also planned in the program for the student's success if needed.
Regular features include Mock exams with feedback for exam-based modules and timed and regular feedback provided on assignment-based modules to support and enhance student performance by the subject lecturer
Civil Engineering Automobile Engineering Mechanical Engineering Electronic Engineering Electrical Engineering Motor Mechanic Engineering
Business Management Marketing Management Sales & Marketing Business & Accountancy Banking & Finance Human Resource Management
Spoken English
General English
Business English
Nursing Studies Health Care Management Pharmacy Technician Medical Laboratory Technician Nutrition and Food Service Management
Graphic Designing Web Designing Auto Cad Information Technology Computer Hardware Computerized Accounting Computer Networking
Food Preparation & Culinary Arts Travel & Tourism Food & Beverage International Cookery Hotel Management Hospitality & Tourism Management